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Quilt Guilds

Do you belong to a quilt guild? If so they are often a great place to start as many are charity minded and enjoy taking on worthwhile service projects.

Why not make Quilted EMbrace your chosen charity project this year and find a local nursing home or two where you can present the quilts in person.

Quilt Shops

Are you a shop owner looking to engage the community?  Host a charity day and invite your customers to come and sew some blocks or even a top for Quilted EMbrace.


It truly is a win-win: You get traffic in your store, you can garner local publicity and everyone goes home feeling like they made a difference in someones life.


 Perhaps you are like many quilters and you just love making quilts and sharing them. This is the perfect opportunity to use up some of your stash, practice your machine quilting and make a difference right where you live!

© 2016 Quilted EMbrace

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646 E. Long Lake Road, Troy, MI 48085

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