Quilted EMbrace non-profit was founded by Linda M. Thielfoldt in memory of her sister Emilie (Em) Jackson.
After visiting her special needs sister Em in a local nursing home every day for the last 6 weeks of her life Linda saw first hand how many of our senior citizens live in the last years of their life. Many have outlived their friends and many don't have family that is local. Still others spend their days waiting for someone to talk to them or interact with them.
One day Linda bought Em a baby sized blanket made out of plush fabric for her to use while in her wheelchair as she was often cold. So many of the residents and nursing staff commented on how perfect it was since it did not catch in the wheels as the resident moved about that Linda got the idea to make quilts 36" x 48" for other residents.
She got together with a few of her quilting friends and started making 36" x 48" quilts and giving them to other seniors in the nursing home. The joy those little quilts brought was incredible. Many of the recipients were brought to tears that a total stranger would take the time to do something like that for them. There are countless stories of the changes that have taken place in the lives of some of the recipients after being given a Quilted EMbrace quilt. The need is great and right where you are.
Please join Quilted EMbrace in Covering Our Seniors With a Hug, One Quilt at a Time!